by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
Have you ever had someone tell you that life is a mirror of your consciousness? Or that we are each mirrors of each other? Have you also noticed that even though you NEVER cut people off in traffic, some people still cut YOU off, and sometimes blatantly and...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
There are a lot of smart people out there telling you all the wrong things about your life’s purpose. Maybe that’s a little harsh. I guess they’re not telling you the wrong things per se, perhaps I should say they are telling you the part you want to...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
Let’s talk a little bit about the expansion of individual awareness and the increasing depth in consciousness that we experience on our journey through life. First we need to differentiate between empathy and sympathy. Sympathy comes about from, and is developed...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
Byron Katie tells us to love what is, and this is advice we should all take to heart. Not just because what is, simply IS and arguing with it is paramount to spitting at the rain, but because any thing that is, represents the presence of All That Is. This is...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
In this day and age we are starting to hear more and more about “letting go” and “Going with The Flow” and those things are fine. They have a very important place in our production oriented culture that practically worships stress and incessant...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
“There is nothing more desolate than a soul uncared for.” Some guy said that at some point, it might have been me, but who’s really keeping track of this stuff anyway? The idea that we must take care of and nurture ourselves can come across as trite...