by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles, Uncategorized
The Store get’s it’s name from a deep dedication to the conscious participation in the evolution of spirit. Now, technically speaking, spirit in the absolute sense doesn’t evolve at all, it can’t. But Spirit expresses in the manifest realm, and...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
In the modern age of texting, emails, Facebook and instant messaging, we are able to maintain contact with a wider network of people than ever before, and that potential is wonderful because it frees our social interactions from our purely geographical confines in a...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
Often in new age circles you hear talk of transcending the ego, or egoic attachments. But what is the ego and how can we hope to live a functional life without one? So what is the Ego? The Ego, as the term is commonly used in spirituality and philosophy, is simply a...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational
It is almost as though your mind will not give up unless you give the mind up, in a sense. When I say ‘give it up’, I mean to give up who are you are in your mind — you have to give up. Otherwise, you will speak different things but you will not...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
I believe that there is a kernel of truth in everything because all of manifest creation rests on the foundation of Eternal Truth. If there is truth in everything, then there must be truth in all religions as well. More to the point, religions are shaped around...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
There is a gentle and all embracing Love that drenches the fullness of each and every moment. This Love is ever-present and so much the fabric of our existence that it can be very easy to ignore. In moments when we are frustrated or overwhelmed we easily forget that...