There is a gentle and all embracing Love that drenches the fullness of each and every moment. This Love is ever-present and so much the fabric of our existence that it can be very easy to ignore. In moments when we are frustrated or overwhelmed we easily forget that the ability to be frustrated is a gift in and of itself.

There is a Love that sustains us in our time of need. Our breath continues to come and go, our heart continues to beat and our emotions and thoughts continue to flow through our awareness. All of these small miracles are preceded by a nurturing presence so unfailing and so quiet that many never notice it at all.

Eventually, when our breath is ready to stop and our heart is ready to end it’s incessant march, we relax back into the ocean of Love which has given us form and substance.

I have often said that if God ever stopped Loving me I would not die, there would be no funeral, I would simply cease to exist. I would, in an instant be removed from the hearts and minds of all people. My influences and shared experiences would vanish from the worlds memory and I would quite simply cease to exist in any way; physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, and no one would be the wiser.

It is fortunate then, that this Love is infinite and without condition.

It’s really not that hard to find this Love. Actually, it is impossible to avoid. The difficult part is accepting it’s presence in the first place. It’s like trying to get a fish to realize that water is made up of Oxygen and Hydrogen atoms, the first reaction would be, “What’s Water?”

We are so completely surrounded and permeated by this Love that without some sort of incredible event thrusting us out of the water we can scarcely understand it.

However, we need not wait until death to find this Love. We do not have to wait for tragedy to strike. This Love is always powerfully present. It is closer to you than your own thoughts and it flows endlessly through your veins.

Simply relax into the moment and accept the love that is always already given. Recognize your very ability to experience as the miracle that it is. Notice how life continues all around you with absolutely no effort on your part to sustain it. The sounds keep being made and heard, the air keeps filling your lungs and the space around you. The light continues to reflect and refract building the limitless kaleidoscope of your perceptions. . . You don’t need to create or manage any of it. All of creation is simply being; and that beingness is drenched in, and flowing through, the Love of the Devine.

Notice that you also continue without effort. Your very being is the same. You do not need to worry, for you are also drenched in and flowing through the Love of the Divine. . .

May Peace and Love be with you,

Michael SunSpirit