Almost every day I hear someone talking about how important it is to be living life according to your higher purpose. People are always telling you that when you live according to your purpose, life becomes magical, prosperous and fulfilling.

What they don’t ever talk about is how to find your purpose. . .

That’s rather inconvenient, isn’t it? I mean they all say, “Once you find it, everything will be perfect!” but they don’t tell you how to find it! The best answer that I generally hear to this seemingly simple question is, “Follow your bliss” and in my book that still falls short of being genuinely helpful.

To understand your higher purpose you have to first understand who’s purpose you are talking about.  Your ego’s purpose is to grab and hold onto anything that reinforces your self image while attacking anything that threatens it. Your ego’s purpose may be something like, “I am here to heal people with energy work and teach people about natural health.” While that is a perfectly admirable goal, it is not the higher purpose of the soul, it is an occupation.

You are not your ego. Your purpose is much grander than that and so it has nothing to do with an occupation. You are the infinite being that looks into this world through the lens of all of your combined opinions and experiences! The Real You has a purpose for the ego you are looking through!

To help you find your purpose and fill it out into a life path, I have an exercise for you. I’ll run through it and I’ll give you an example of how to get clear about it based on my own purpose.

I’m going to start by asking a question and I want you to feel as deeply into this question as you can. Then I want you to get out a pen and paper and phrase your answer kind of like a mission statement.  The question is this:

“If you were truly the divine source of EVERYTHING everywhere, how would you serve your creation?”

Take a moment with that because I’m not asking what a physical being would do. I’m asking how the Source of All Creation would serve the air, the grass, the people, the stars etc. If you get deep enough into this the answers begin to resemble poetry.  This is why you actually exist, or at least as close as you may be able to understand at the moment.

My answer to that question for right now is:

“I am here to be a river of Divine Love nourishing the fabric of  existence to the furthest depths of all creation.”

This is my purpose. This is why I exist. It is what my soul longs to be.

When you start to grasp why your soul exists, it’s time to figure out how you can express your souls purpose in everyday life. After all, your life is the vehicle for your spirit to express itself, not the other way around.  So the next question is:

“How does a person who is embodying that purpose behave?”

Once we have the answer to this question we want to write it down in the form of an affirmation or an “I statement”. Doing this for yourself can create a very powerful and personal affirmation for you! To give you some idea of what that looks like I’ll use my own process again as an example. I came up with the following:

“I open my heart in each moment to the Ocean of Divine Love, allowing it to flow through me and erode the shores of my ego giving my life breadth and depth. I am conscious of my loving intent as I engage in all things.”

Now we know Why we exist and because of that, How we should act. The next step is the easiest. Make a list of activities you already do, or would like to do, during which you can behave that way. This is how the grace of higher purpose flows into your life. This is how people find the satisfaction and abundance of living a life of purpose.

My list was very long, but it included writing in my blog, inspiring people through these newsletters, writing songs and reading books, just to name a few.  The point is that you can start living your higher purpose RIGHT NOW. It has nothing to do with your occupation although a new occupation may flow out of it.

When you start with Why your soul came into being, and try to live in a way that satisfies that, every thing you do, from washing dishes to making millions of dollars, becomes a blessed dance with divinity, and every moment becomes the building block of a truly fulfilling life.

Wishing you Peace and Passion,
Michael Sunspirit!

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