Compassion. . .

We all hear a lot about this most important of human traits and we all know that we should probably cultivate it. But what is compassion? Like most things spiritual we find that there is a paradox involved with compassion. . . If we claim that compassion is only...

Loving What Is. . .

Byron Katie tells us to love what is, and this is advice we should all take to heart. Not just because what is, simply IS and arguing with it is paramount to spitting at the rain, but because any thing that is, represents the presence of All That Is. This is...

Intention. . .

We denizens of the Light, in our rainbow palaces of Pixie dust and Elemental bliss who inhabit the eather ways leading to and from Evolve, often talk about setting an intention. It has been brought to my attention recently that upon encountering the collective...

A Birth of Patience. . .

As I write these words an incredibly enduring woman is laboring to bring new life into this world not more than 30 ft away. This is her third day of steady contractions and she is exhausted beyond words, but she is resolute. Birth is a thing that takes patience,...