by Melinda Wells | Articles, Featured Blog Posts
OM. That is the western spelling of the sanskrit symbol you see to the left. The proper phonetic pronunciation is actually more like AUM than OM and while it still seems fairly exotic, it is becoming widely recognized in western culture. But what does it mean?...
by Melinda Wells | Articles, Featured Blog Posts
“Beginners mind” is a term used to describe the flexibility of an advanced meditator’s mental state, constantly open to freshness and the newness of the truth as it appears in this moment. Perhaps Socrates is best known in the west for this because...
by Melinda Wells | Friends, Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
The chill breeze rattles through the dead leaves on the lawn. The sweet warmth of the autumn sun denies the portents of the lengthening shadows and lingers like a departing lover. A cup of coffee, a comfy sweater, but still barefoot on the porch, I take deep,...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
Humility is often recognized as carrying a connotation of specifically Christian spirituality. But as we will see, it is very much in alignment with the Buddhist concept of Right View. Just as Right View is said to be the foundation of the 8 Noble Truths, Humility is...
by Melinda Wells | Good News, Inspirational, Michael's Articles
“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” – Leonard Cohen In this simple yet poignant line Leonard states the truth with the elegant simplicity befitting the poet he is. Every single thing in the world of form is...