The life that I know is but a single leaf on the tree of my soul.
This is a metaphor that I like to meditate upon when my life’s energy feels stagnant or non constructive. The idea behind this metaphor is that you are a much grander being than most of you is aware of !~.^!
Is it possible that your soul is experiencing MANY lifetimes concurrently? Could your soul be the witness of every outcome of every choice your physical being COULD have made and might ever make? If your soul is Not a physical entity and it exists in the realm of infinite potential, isn’t it very likely that your soul is not a being comprised of your current physical reality, so much as the POTENTIAL reality of your physical existence?
That can be a tough thing to wrap your head around so I meditate on this metaphor of the leaf on the tree.
This metaphor says that everything you are aware of in your reality, is held in the space of one leaf on the tree of your soul. The leaf is just one expression of the tree’s life force. The tree depends on all the leaves to gather sunlight and breathe in the gasses it needs to live. The leaves depend on the tree to gather moisture and nutrients from the soil as well as to give them a place in the sun where they can soak in the light!
A single tree gives rise to all of the leaves and not one of them is any better than another.
The critical thing to realize in this metaphor is that you are more than the tree or the leaf . You are the awareness within these things and the source that gives rise to them. You can redirect your awareness by returning to the core and then intentionally growing into new branches!
It is important to draw your attention inwards towards your roots. Let your awareness travel back to it’s source so that it can re-emerge in a new leaf. You must trace the source of life to at least the branch you are living on before you can hope to change the leaf you are living in.
Most of you reading this have already done this to some extent or another, though you may not be aware of it in this way. The trick is to go as deep into the core as you can, as often as you can, so that you can redirect your awareness into the highest branches and experience yourself in the most vibrant truths of who you really are!
The Tree is ALWAYS growing! So if you don’t return to the core on a regular basis, you will live in one leaf on one branch as the tree grows newer, higher branches and you will soon be in the shade of your own higher expressions. This is the cause of our dissatisfaction! Our soul has expanded and outgrown our current experience. We are always being called to greater and greater expressions of Divine Love and Wholeness!
Now, If everything you are aware of in life is contained in a single leaf on the tree of your soul, and the tree is just one of many, where does the earth fit into this metaphor? What about the Universe as we Know it? What unfathomable splendor is God?
Just a simple metaphor to sit with:
“The life I know is but a single leaf on the tree of my soul. . .”
May your roots grow deep and your branches spiral endlessly towards the heavens!
Michael Sunspirit
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