We denizens of the Light, in our rainbow palaces of Pixie dust and Elemental bliss who inhabit the eather ways leading to and from Evolve, often talk about setting an intention. It has been brought to my attention recently that upon encountering the collective radiance of the evolve community (including you, dear reader), many ‘outsiders’ hear the term and nod in agreement while secretly asking themselves, “What does that even MEAN?!?!”
It took me a moment to really come to grips with the fact that we generally just bundle it up in a mishmash of will power and law of attraction teachings, and we all kind of get what it means because we have seen The Secret or read T. Harv Ecker or Abraham Hicks or any number of other prolific success and self empowerment writers. We get it at an intuitive level, but we are often hard pressed to explain what it is or how it works. And so I thought I might take a little time to try to deepen our collective understanding of intention today.
The first thing that I think is important to understand is that all intent starts with “I”. We may set an intention specifically to help our friends with some project, but that is rooted in the fact that we will be happy if our friends succeed. That doesn’t mean the intent is egocentric as a whole, or that it is some how bad, but it means there is an egocentric core to our intent strictly because it is born of our own will. Every time we set an intention it has a very basic egocentric core.
This brings me to the next important point. Intent is born of egocentrism but is expressed through varying depths of care and concern. The same basic intent to survive and acquire the things we need in life can be held just as easily by an angel like Kellie as by some impoverished mugger. The difference is that in living out that intent, Kellie is expressing concern for her own well being, the well being of her family, her employees and all the people who visit her store not to mention the other businesses in the area and the community at large, while the mugger is only expressing concern for himself and maybe his immediate family.
The same intent gathers more power as we include more and more people in our general circle of care and concern. A mugger may be able to steal a couple hundred dollars, but it is dangerous and self destructive. Kellie, on the other hand, can generate more income more regularly and she is supported in her endeavors by a community that cares.
So as we mature and grow in Love, our intentions gather more support and power. The more beings we include in our circle of concern the larger and more momentous our intent becomes. Now, this is not to say that the CEO’s of multinational corporations are akin to the Dalai Lama or anything, people can use money and power to manipulate the world for purely egocentric ends. What we do have to note, however, is that our intentions are limited in their universal support in direct correlation to our own limitations on who and what we truly care for.
When we open ourselves to Love we find that decisions come more easily and action is becomes effortless. When we act out of care and concern for others, our intent attracts support from the souls of all those who might be affected. . .
This means that the genuine power behind setting intentions is actually the depth of care and concern you have for others, and this is not something that happens just by saying, “I intend to make 100,000 dollars this year. . .” and then tacking on “for the highest good of all” to the end of the sentence.
Cultivating a deep concern for the wellbeing of others is daily practice and it is something that builds up over time. The best thing about it is that before too long, you don’t have to “try” to get your intentions to come to fruition. Eventually you are so full of Love that your intentions are in motion before you even utter them. Because when you love the whole world, the world loves you back.
The Power of Love is greater than the love of power. . .
Michael Sunspirit