As I write these words an incredibly enduring woman is laboring to bring new life into this world not more than 30 ft away. This is her third day of steady contractions and she is exhausted beyond words, but she is resolute.
Birth is a thing that takes patience, special care and consideration as life slowly builds within the womb. The new mother, churning with the potency of the Divine, draws power from within her mystical unity. Her very being nurtures and sustains the unfolding of new life.
She is the Earth.
A peaceful warrior. On a quest to give life rather than take it, she patiently feels her body’s messages and speaks to them with care and gentle warmth. She knows the Treasure she softly cradles. As the force grows within her she becomes more quietly aware of the subtleties that guide her choices. In her deepest depths she knows every leaf that is carried on her mighty rivers. She trusts her course.
She is the Ocean.
From the depths of her embrace she feeds creation with her very flesh and bones. Power courses through her and carries her soul into the future yet again. Love, like nothing but a woman knows, drives her to the edge of oblivion and in her fullness she is emptied out into the Light.
She is the Light.
In her glowing arms rests her new life. Every moment of creation, every lesson in her soul, now suckles at her breast. Unlimited potential just barely formed, a path of infinite crossroads unfolding at her feet. Patience is a virtue. . .
She is a Mother.