First of all I should say, that I believe everyone feels the call to greatness in life. That doesn’t have to mean fame and fortune or even some sort of certificate of achievement, but I think we are each called to live to our highest potential and grow into our talents and gifts.
There is a very good reason that we all feel the call to greatness. First of all, You are Great! Your very existence is a miracle of the Kosmos! But secondly, There is infinite room for improvement! Your unlimited potential calls you from within to step into the expression of your greatness!
So, what does the call to greatness sound like? What does it feel like? The call to greatness is an interior call and you can recognize it by the feeling of dedication!
When you are willing to truly dedicate yourself to something, you are stepping into the realm of greatness! If you are a husband who is truly dedicated to your wife and your marriage, you will be a great husband. If you are a student who is truly dedicated to her studies, you will be a great student. The same is true of all endeavors! You have the ability to be GREAT at ANYTHING!
Now, it is important to recognize that the desire to be great at something may come from a shallow place and be driven by the ego. That doesn’t mean you can’t attain that greatness with dedication, but the dedication will always be a struggle to maintain. It will be a drain on your energy and will always feel like an up-hill battle. This kind of Greatness feels like something we are owed or that we have to fight for.
This is why it is important to begin the search for greatness by asking, “What do I want to dedicate my life to?” Rather than, “What do I want to be great at?” Sit with this question during meditation or prayer. Feel into the question. What kinds of things feel worthy of self dedication? When dedication grows out of interior development, when it happens organically because of authentic meaning and fullness in your life, it’s like pouring fuel on a fire!
This feeling of organic dedication is the foundation of a life of purpose. Not all dedications equal a life of purpose, but each life purpose begins with an organic and deeply felt dedication!
In my experience, the most powerful way to begin to access this dedication is to ask for it in prayer or intentional meditation. It is always through interior development that the path opens before us. If you are stuck, always return to the source. Build your relationship to spirit if you want to be shown your life’s purpose.
The dedication to that inner relationship will unfold into many fulfilling paths, projects and endeavors. You will soon be dedicated in a way that feels like a genuine love of life and all that life brings your way!
That kind of dedication is easy to maintain because it grows in your soul with every breath and it flows in your veins with every beat of your heart! Spirit begins to work through you and you begin to co-create with spirit. Life blesses you and the path of adventure and wonder opens at your feet! The call to greatness becomes so strong that you are pulled in your very soul to dig deep and give it everything you have!
At that point, your greatness is immanent and inevitable!
Michael Sunspirit