We are blessed everyday with the subtle energy of change. Sometimes this subtle energy is about as subtle as a freight train, and other times it is a whisper in the storm of our day to day lives. But whether it is immediate and looming or merely the hint of a scent on the air, change itself is constant.

Change doesn’t always feel like a blessing. It can be very uncomfortable for the ego, because the ego generally seeks permanence and stability. The ego is that which seeks immortality, while the spirit is that which is timeless and immortal.

We tend to think of things like a house or a car in a permanent way. We think of them as “something that will last”. However, we know intellectually that they will eventually rust and rot. We know that at some point in time, this thing that we think of as permanent will be completely decayed and unrecognizable. We only get bent out of shape when it happens sooner than later.

When the energy of change is strongly present in your life, breathe into it. Deepen the stretch with your awareness and live in the moment of your change. To deeply accept the feeling of uncertainty that comes with change is to take the first step towards certainty, in the same way that admitting our ignorance is the first step towards curing it.

When we accept change we can consciously participate in it. We have the ability to navigate the rapids rather than being bashed unwittingly against the rocks in the raging current of life.

The acceptance of change doesn’t mean we stop working for a better world. We must always try to be constructive, but we don’t have to wallow in the painful illusion that something terrible and unnatural has befallen something permanent. We can accept that change is inevitable in the world of form and we can work with the energy of change.

We can not change change, but we can change how we respond to it.

Be blessed in new ways every day !~.^!

Michael Sunspirit.