If you know about the Law of Attraction, you know that you are supposed to think positive thoughts, and you know that you are supposed to focus on your intent, on what you DO want. You know that gratitude is huge and that the actual feeling of joy and fulfillment are key to the success of the process. . .
But it’s still not working is it?
For many people this is a good enough start to get it going, and they just have to play with it to fine tune the practice. However, there are two tools that I feel would help almost anyone who is trying to work with the Law of Attraction, and I would like to add them to your tool belt today if you’ll hear me out! These tools are, the Rule of Opposites and the Law of Release!
Let’s Start with the Rule of Opposites, because this is seen throughout the dualistic realm where we live. You may be familiar with the idea that we live in a world of opposites. More accurately, we live in a world of spectrums. There is no ‘Absolute Up’ that exists as the ‘most up‘ you can go. Up is relative and depends on where you are! There will always be more ‘Up’. The same is true of Down, Hot, Cold, In, Out, Love, Fear, Rich, Poor, Effective, ineffective, and the list goes on and on. We live in a small range at the intersection of all these spectrums.
It is important to know that there is a reason for these spectrums. We never experience warmth in and of itself. We experience warmth as a contrast to cooler temperatures. What we experience is the movement along the spectrum. We experience the warming, but the experience of warmth can not be understood or even had without it’s opposite, cold.
The Rule of opposites states that when you are manifesting something, It’s opposite shows up first; not always, but often! This is why I call it a ‘Rule’ and not a ‘Law’. So lets talk about why and when this Rule comes into effect.
There are generally two reasons people practice the Law of Attraction. One reason is to change their direction on a certain spectrum or a variety of spectrums, and the other is to accelerate their movement along a spectrum. The Rule of Opposites comes into play for those trying to change direction not those trying to accelerate in the direction they are already moving. Which means it goes into effect for just about everyone who is trying to learn how to use it.
At first this may sound unfair, but there is a very simple reason. People moving in the wrong direction are already moving in the wrong direction. The added energy and focus on the spectrum will increase the intensity of that movement and the initial result will be more of the same old junk, some times MUCH more. Fortunately this is a sign that you are beginning to effectively utilize the Law of Attraction to affect change in your life! Unfortunately this is generally where people say, “This manifestation stuff is a bunch of garbage” and they give up on it!
This is very much in line with ideas about the cycle of death and re-birth. Things have to fall apart if you want to re build them. If you’d like clarification on this Rule, please feel free to contact me, but for now I’m gong to move on.
The second thing people really need to know about the Law of Attraction is what I like to refer to as it’s ‘first amendment’, The Law of Release.
The Law of Release basically states that you must let go of your intention before it can manifest. This is because while you are focusing on manifesting something, you are acutely aware of it’s absence. Some people call it trusting the process, others call it faith, still others will call it non attachment! The point is similar in any case. . .
You have to let it go!
Look for more on the Law of Release coming soon at:
May you experience the very best of life,
in all of it’s beautiful forms!
Michael Sunspirit