Many of you have heard of the Law of Attraction. There are many great teachers on the subject and while I dont claim to be Ester Hicks or Napoleon Hill, I feel I am in a position to offer some insight on how the Law of Attraction works.
The first part of the Law of Attraction is most often taught as, “Like Attracts Like. ” People who are happy tend to hang out together; Water travels along the path of least resistance to rejoin with other water in the sea, and no one want’s to hang out with someone who is constantly talking about how lonely they are and so those people stay lonely.
This brings us to the second part of the Law of attraction. Have you ever noticed how those people who always have the SAME problem to complain about every time you see them always seem to have the same problem to complain about EVERY time you see them? Then there are those people who seem to be in a great mood all the time and they are always talking about how great things are? There is an important relationship showing up here, and most people have it figured out completely backwards. . .
Your thoughts and feelings create your experience, not the other way around!
This is basically just Magic, pure and simple, but let me give you my basic take on how this all works (and it does work). If you want to get deep with this stuff please contact me there is so much more to this than I can fit into one article. . .
To go over it quickly, Your awareness is ultimately, (under all the layers of ‘you’ that it is shrouded in,) the One Great Awareness from which all things manifest (including ‘you’). There is only One Awareness and it is looking out through all of our eyes. . . We have the ability to filter and direct that awareness within our own being by choosing what to concentrate on (this is free will). When we concentrate our awareness in a given area that awareness gains inertia and mass (and entropy it seems, but that is a bit more advanced than I have time for here). When that growing inertia and mass reaches a certain critical tipping point you are no longer directing it, it is automatic and your attention flows there by virtue of the sheer number of signs of its impending manifestation. It begins to pull you into the unknown. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a whole new reality manifests in your awareness!
Generally I find that manifestation is directly preceded by a period of uncertainty and confusion about the subject, because for me it tends to show up in ways that I never would have expected. Having said that, I’m running out of room!
There are many teachings out there that are more about how to get it to work for you than about why it works in general. You can find some great resources to that end at Evolve, and I will go deeper into some methods and practices on my blog at over the next few days.
This is a topic that is so commonly misunderstood that I may not be able to answer everyone individually, but I will try! Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested in a deeper understanding of the Law of Attraction.