I was talking with someone the other day who was upset about still allowing herself to slip back into negative thought patterns after years of personal work and growth. This is something I think many of us are familiar with! I know I can relate!
One of the biggest reasons for this kind of struggle is the struggle itself! Our desire to rid ourselves of something actually causes us to create it over and over again. Focusing on some “undesirable” aspect of our personality is a sure fire way to fan the flames! If you understand the Law of Attraction you will understand this:
We can only rid our selves of something that we currently have, so if our desire is to rid our selves of it, it has to continue to be there.
(If you don’t understand the law of attraction, please email me, we need to talk!~.^!)
The first thing to get rid of is the part of you that is trying to get rid of parts of you! Sounds downright impossible if you really think about it, doesn’t it? But the answer is surprisingly simple.
Just Add Love.
Dont take anything away or diminish anything or get rid of any thing! Just ADD Love to every part of your life. There is nothing you can do that can’t be made better with love. Add it to your morning routine while you brush your teeth. Love the food you are making for breakfast. Love the book you are reading. Love the walk you are taking to the train. Love it all! Love every mundane detail. Literally take a moment to offer Love to whatever it is you are engaged in.
Specifically, add Love to the area of your life that is frustrating you the most. Add Love on purpose, with intent and conviction. Actually stop and feel the feeling of Love as you come up against your challenges and suddenly, you are not coming up against anything at all!
You are truly Loving Life!
In this way you allow Love to flow into your life. You create Love within and around you as it flows through you into your day. The way to really have an amazing life full of Divine Love is to put it there as much as possible. Invite that Love into your actions and it will transform you.
After all is said and done, that is the goal, isn’t it? We didn’t come to this physical realm so that we could create LESS frustration!
We came here to create MORE Love!
Wishing you more Love than you can imagine!
Michael Sunspirit!
I’d love to hear from you!
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