For the first Newsletter of the new year I would like to offer encouragement to all of you who have set intentions for this coming year, and some advice on how to make sure you succeed!

Many people set an intention and charge full on into it and they burn themselves out. They force the intention to death, so to speak.  Some people, (like my self for example) have done this so many times that they start to feel like the failure is due to some inherent flaw in themselves. They believe they are not strong enough, or smart enough to accomplish the task they have set before themselves.

I am pleased to report that nothing could be further from the truth!

First of all, you are a being of infinite creative potential with boundless capacity to learn and grow.  Second, it is impossible for you to truly desire something that is impossible. Thirdly, and most importantly, each time you set an intention it is like planting a seed. Each seed has a chance to grow no matter how many you have planted before!

Let’s say, for example, you are trying to plant tomatoes. Just because they don’t grow doesn’t mean you cant grow them and it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to grow tomatoes either! What it probably does mean is that you don’t know how to grow tomatoes. . .

No one is born a master gardener. We all learn our way through life and we always learn more easily with an experienced teacher! If you want to succeed at anything, whatever your intention might be, find a mentor who has succeeded at it! Ask someone who has done what you want to do how they did it, and ask them if they would help you do it too!

Believe it or not, there are angels residing in the hearts of people all over the world, and they want nothing more than to be of service! Speak from your heart when you ask for help and speak to the hearts of the people you are asking! You will find that when you ask for the guidance of those who already ARE where you want to be, you will arrive there with much less struggle and heart ache!

Michael Sunspirit